Liposuction (Lipoplasty)
Offered at our convenient location in Baltimore, Maryland

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that addresses diet and exercise-resistant fat. It is a body contouring treatment that involves removing stubborn pockets of excess fat from areas where it has built up and affected aesthetic appearance.
Body contouring through liposuction is more than just a surgical procedure; it is a journey towards achieving your desired silhouette and regaining confidence in your appearance. Whether you seek to refine your waistline, sculpt your thighs, or enhance your facial contours, liposuction can be tailored to meet your unique aesthetic goals.
At Valley Plastic Surgery and Medi-Spa, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Alyson Wells provides effective liposuction procedures for patients in the Baltimore area. She and her staff will make you feel welcome and confident about your procedure. Her thorough manner and extensive medical knowledge assure clients that their treatments will be performed with great skill and precision. For more information, call (410) 628-8200 or contact us online.
Before and After Photos
About Liposuction
Liposuction targets subcutaneous fat found just beneath the skin. The body stores this fat as a source of last-resort energy, which makes it very difficult to burn off. For this reason, liposuction is one of the most popular body contouring procedures in the world. (1) It involves the removal of fat deposits below the skin using a cannula: a hollow stainless steel tube. Dr. Wells moves the cannula forward and backward through the tissue, loosening the connections between the fat cells. She removes the fat in small globules using a suction device attached to the opposite end of the cannula. Dr. Wells uses this procedure to remove large pockets of excess fat and contour problem areas such as the abdomen, thighs (“saddle bags”), hips, upper arms, and back.
Tumescent Technique
The tumescent technique is the most widely used liposuction technique. It involves Dr. Wells injecting tumescent fluid, a dilute solution containing adrenaline and anesthetic, into the treatment area. The adrenaline constricts blood vessels and reduces blood loss during surgery. The anesthetic minimizes post-operative discomfort, making for an easier recovery period. (2)
Liposuction Areas
Abdominal Liposuction
Are you frustrated with a belly that protrudes over jeans or is hindering you from achieving a six-pack? Liposuction can help reduce excess fat in the abdomen and help slim down your midsection. Narrowing your abdomen will impact your entire appearance, helping you look thinner, healthier, and more athletic. This procedure is often combined with a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck can help remove excess skin and tissue that may otherwise fold and sag after a liposuction procedure.
Arm Liposuction
Many people struggle with jiggly underarms or “bat wings.” Having flab under the upper arms can be a source of embarrassment and make everyday movement feel clumsy or bothersome. A liposuction procedure can help reduce unnecessary fat and make your arms appear toned and sculpted. This procedure is often combined with an arm lift to tighten the skin once the fat has been removed.
Leg Liposuction
Thigh fat can be difficult to reduce, even with exercise and dieting. Leg liposuction will remove this stubborn fat and help contour your thighs. The result is slimmer and sexier legs! This procedure is often combined with a thigh lift.
Benefits of Liposuction

Dr. Wells implements advanced techniques to give her patients comfortable treatment while obtaining their desired results. She runs her practice with a philosophy that combines impeccable training, keen aesthetic sensibilities, technical skill, and precision. With her liposuction treatment, you can achieve the body of your dreams. You will gain newfound confidence in your body, and your self-esteem will grow. Additionally, the tumescent fluid technique that she employs can help provide a safer procedure with a quicker recovery period.
Who is a Candidate for Liposuction?
Liposuction is not an effective treatment for cellulite or obesity. This procedure is best for women or men of ideal or nearly ideal weight who have localized deposits of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. The skin above your targeted pockets of fat must have sufficient elasticity so it can “shrink wrap,” or conform to the new contours. An area that is stretch-marked or has lots of excess skin is better suited to a body contouring procedure that combines liposuction with lift techniques.
Candidate Requirements
- Healthy and relatively fit
- Firm, elastic skin
- Good muscle tone
- Within 30% of ideal weight
These factors will help you achieve natural and impressive results. You can discuss your eligibility with Dr. Wells at your consultation.
Personal Consultation
At your personal consultation, Dr. Wells will use the information she gathers to create a treatment plan that helps you achieve your body goals. She customizes each procedure to fit the unique anatomical features and desired aesthetic of the patient. She will want to know about your medical history, past procedures, allergies, and current medications. She will also examine the area you are interested in improving. Once she has determined that liposuction is a good fit for you, she will explain the details of the procedure, including the potential risks and the recovery period. Looking through some before and after photos will help you understand what this surgery can do and develop realistic expectations for your treatment.
At the end of your consultation, you can schedule your procedure appointment. Dr. Wells will inform you how to best prepare for your procedure and recovery. To schedule your personal consultation, call (410) 628-8200 or fill out this inquiry form.

Before your liposuction procedure, you will need to take a few steps to ensure a safe procedure and a comfortable recovery. Pick up any prescribed medications beforehand and arrange for rides to and from the surgery. You will also want to enlist someone to stay with you for the first twenty-four hours of recovery. During this period you may have a limited range of movement and it will help to have someone who can assist you. Set aside a recovery location in your home that is free from disturbances. You will only need to take a few days off from work following liposuction, but it is ideal to be prepared for this process.
Get a good night’s rest before your procedure appointment. On the morning of your surgery, take a shower and dress in comfortable clothes. You should wear loose clothes that will not apply pressure to your treatment area.
Liposuction Procedure
When you arrive for your liposuction procedure, we will have you change into a surgical gown. Our team will clean the treatment area and mark the incision sites. Dr. Wells will inject tumescent fluid into the predetermined areas. Once the treatment area is numb, the procedure will begin. With gentle back-and-forth movements, she will dislodge fat cells and remove them from your body using a cannula.
When Dr. Wells has removed the ideal amount of fat and is pleased with the results, she will close the incisions and then apply a compression garment. The procedure may take from one to two hours to complete. However, your procedure may vary depending on the extent of work you need or the number of areas being treated.
Following your surgery, your treatment area will be swollen and bruised. The compression garment will help control swelling and assist your body in adjusting to its new contours. Taking brief walks will improve your blood circulation and also reduce swelling. Getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated will be very important during your recovery.
Before you heal completely, you should avoid strenuous activities that could irritate your incisions or disrupt the newly sculpted area. Take a few days off from work to rest and sleep. We can prescribe medication to help alleviate any discomfort that you may experience. If you have any concerns during your recovery, do not hesitate to call our office.
You will have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Wells a few days after your surgery. During this appointment, she will remove the stitches and make sure you are healing properly.

Although fat cells are permanently removed from the treatment area during liposuction, this does not prevent fluctuations in weight. To maintain the results of your procedure, you need to follow a nutritious diet and regular exercise routine. With a healthy lifestyle, your results will be long-lasting!
How Much Does Liposuction Cost in Baltimore?
The cost of your liposuction procedure will vary based on your desired outcome, the number of areas being treated, and their size. To learn more about how much liposuction costs at Valley Plastic Surgery and Medi-Spa, call (410) 628-8200 or visit our contact page.
How dangerous is liposuction?
Liposuction is very safe when performed by a qualified surgeon like Dr. Wells. She will only perform the surgery if she sees that you are in good health.
How much does it cost to get liposuction on your stomach?
The cost of abdominal liposuction will change from patient to patient. This largely depends on the amount of fat that needs to be removed. You may call our office for a cost estimate or schedule a consultation to learn what your treatment could cost.
How long does it take to recover from liposuction?
Most patients can return to work after a few days. It will take a few weeks for the bruising and swelling to go away and your new contours will set into place after a few months.
How much weight can you lose with liposuction?
It is possible to lose a few pounds of fat or more with liposuction. However, it is important to note that liposuction is not a weight loss solution. Liposuction is meant to reduce stubborn fat and help sculpt your body in a natural way, according to your anatomy.
- Bartow MJ, Raggio BS. Liposuction. PubMed. Published 2022.
- Venkataram J. Tumescent liposuction: A review. Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. 2008;1(2):49. doi: